Build and install Easy SQL

Easy SQL is a very light-weight python library. The common Python library conventions are followed. It’s easy to build or install Easy SQL.

Install Easy SQL

Install Easy SQL using pip: python3 -m pip install easy_sql-easy_sql[extra,extra]

Currently we are providing below extras, choose according to your need:

  • cli

  • linter

  • spark

  • pg

  • clickhouse

We also provide flink backend, but because of dependency confliction between pyspark and apache-flink, you need to install the flink backend dependencies manually with the following command python3 -m pip install apache-flink.

Usually we read data from some data source and write data to some other system using flink with different connectors. So we need to download some jars for the used connectors as well. Refer here to get more information and here to download the required connectors.

Building Easy SQL

Internally we use poetry to manage the dependencies. So make sure you have installed it. Package could be built with the following make command: make package-pip or just poetry build.

After the above command, there will be a file named easy_sql*.whl generated in the dist folder. You can install it with command python3 -m pip install dist/easy_sql*.whl[extra] or just poetry install -E 'extra extra'.