
While most of the ETL code is SQL, sometimes we would like to do things that are difficult to implement in SQL.

For example:

  • Send out a http request to report status when some step of the ETL fails for some reasons.

  • Check if a partition exists.

  • Get the first partition value.

These tasks could be easily implemented in python functions.

Easy SQL provides a way to call functions in ETL code. And there are a bunch of useful python functions provided by Easy SQL. These functions are widely used in ETL development.

Use functions in ETL

To use the functions provided by Easy SQL, nothing need to be done. Just call it in a func check or variables step.

If you would like to implement a new function and use it in ETL, you need to register it before the execution of the ETL.

Let’s have a look at a simple example of how to create and register a new function and use it in ETL.

Implement your customized function

First of all, you need to implement your function in a python file. Let’s assume we’re using spark backend, and the function we’d like to implement is a function to count the partitions of some table.

We could create a file named, with content:

def count_partitions(table_name: str) -> int:
    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
    partitions = spark.sql(f'show partitions {table_name}').collect()
    return len(partitions)

Use function in ETL

If we use the command line interface to run the ETL, we need to configure it with a property named easy_sql.func_file_path in your ETL file. An example is as below:

-- backend: spark
-- config:

-- target=action.define_table
create table some_table partitioned by (pt) as
select * from (
    select 1 as a, 2 as b, 1 as pt
    select 1 as a, 2 as b, 2 as pt
) t

-- target=log.partition_count
select ${count_partitions(some_table)} as partition_count

If we save the above content to a file named etl_with_customized_func.sql, and run it with command:

bash -c "$(python3 -m easy_sql.data_process -f etl_with_customized_func.sql -p)"

We’ll see the output like below:

===================== REPORT FOR step-1 ==================
config: StepConfig(target=action.define_table, condition=None, line_no=4)
sql: create table some_table partitioned by (pt) as
select * from (
    select 1 as a, 2 as b, 1 as pt
    select 1 as a, 2 as b, 2 as pt
) t
start time: 2022-08-03 10:33:33, end time: 2022-08-03 10:33:43, execution time: 9.839801s - 96.62%

===================== REPORT FOR step-2 ==================
config: StepConfig(target=log.partition_count, condition=None, line_no=12)
sql: select 2 as partition_count
start time: 2022-08-03 10:33:43, end time: 2022-08-03 10:33:43, execution time: 0.254982s - 2.50%


  • The command line interface will import and register all the functions in the python file. So we suggest defining all of your functions in a __all__ variable.

  • The function file path in configuration -- config: is either an absolute path or a path relative to current working directory.

Register functions programmatically

Easy SQL also provides a way to register functions programmatically. The api to register functions is register_funcs_from_pyfile.

The example code to register functions is:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

from easy_sql.sql_processor import SqlProcessor
from easy_sql.sql_processor.backend import SparkBackend

if __name__ == '__main__':
    spark = SparkSession.builder.enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()
    backend = SparkBackend(spark)
    sql = '''
-- target=log.some_log
select 1 as a
    sql_processor = SqlProcessor(backend, sql)


  • The python file must be able to be found in module search path (Add the directory path of the file to PYTHONPATH environment variable).

Builtin and operator functions

By default, Easy SQL imported all the functions in python builtin module and operator module.

So we can use any functions listed here:

For convenience, there are several utility functions implemented as well:

  • equal(a: any, b: any)

  • is_greater_or_equal(a: str|int|float, b: str|int|float)

  • equal_ignore_case(a: str, b: str)

Functions implemented in Easy SQL

Below are a list of them for referencing.

Functions for spark backend

Partition functions

Column functions

Cache functions

Parallelism functions

IO functions

Alert functions

Table functions

Model functions

Analytics functions

Lang functions

Test functions

Functions for rdb backend (PostgreSQL Clickhouse BigQuery)

Partition functions

Column functions

Alert functions

Table functions

Model functions

IO functions

Analytics functions

Test functions